12 Jan

Conversational software development is sometimes a term half heartedly attempting to define a means to develop your application with an extremely short feedback loop. The reason I say it's a half hearted attempt is because of the immense potential this open source technology holds for both designers and developers. For example if we take a look at one of the more common tools that most web designers use: Template engines. When you first glance at the overall layout of these applications it can appear very elegant and complex. But underneath you will be able to see just how basic it really is.

If you were to take a second glance at the layout, you would realize that the underlying principles behind it are fairly obvious and common. There is a formatter layer on the top layer, which is basically a generic database of information that can be accessed and stored by programmers and designers. And then below that you will notice the more specific components. These components are the pieces of the chat bot that a designer can customize and change to suit the specific needs of the client. In this case, the chat bot can be used to help a user to enter and store text messages in a natural language understanding manner.

Another example is with a company like Twitter where their Chat Bots function solely as virtual assistants. As you might have guessed from the name, these chat bots act like actual human assistants. In fact, if a Twitter chat bot was designed with the sole purpose of performing light coding and configuration a person could argue that this could be considered as true conversational software. In this case it is completely possible to have a bot perform personal assistant functions while still being completely autonomous. Of course this functionality comes at a cost and most likely in the form of a monthly service fee.

Another popular application that has been around for quite some time is Yahoo's Search Marketing. While it is debatable as to whether or not this form of conversational software actually produces a better return on investment than other options, the fact remains that it does have many loyal users. The most notable aspect of this application is that it can be activated by simply installing the program onto the user's computer. From there it simply makes use of all of the available tools within the software to do a number of tasks that include; create relevant ads to appear on Yahoo! search results, perform keyword research, as well as monitor the amount of time that other searchers are spending on the search engine. As you can see, it takes quite a bit of programming work in order to properly set up this software.

A relatively newer piece of conversational software is called Customer Relationship Management or CRM. This software is primarily used by finance-related businesses that want to develop efficient customer relationship management systems. In short, this type of program works to help manage and organize customer information to help the company better serve its customers. As you can see there are quite a few applications that fall under the category of conversational marketing and CRM. From scheduling appointments to receiving technical assistance and booking a cab – the chatbots do it better and faster. 

The truth is, chatbot ai platform is only getting better every single day. Perhaps, one of the biggest things that it is doing well is allowing companies and individuals the ability to communicate with one another using natural speech instead of e-mail, texting, or other repetitive means of communicating. Companies that utilize these types of things like building conversational software are certainly seeing positive results, especially when it comes to customer relations. Keep in mind that you should be careful with these types of things because many are prone to spam.

You may need to check out this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversational_user_interface to get more info on the topic.

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